Surveys, quizzes, and comment forms are easy and effective ways to learn more from your clients, employees, and potential customers. SurveySOURCE by UpOnline eMarketing allows you to ask your customers the questions that will focus your efforts in the most efficient direction. SurveySOURCE analyzes the results and reports back to you in easy-to-read summaries and presentation-ready graphs.


SurveySOURCE comes in two flavours. A muliple choice flash animation similar to that on the left, and an indepth multi-page, multi-question format. Different SurveySOURCE applications for different needs.

For quizzes that are aimed at recognizing trends, SurveySOURCE uses a flash animation for your questions. This allows participants to see how their answers compare with those who have already completed the survey. The flash presentation creates a higher participation rate offering many easy ways to grab the attention of participants including custom background images and animated “next” buttons.

Using SurveySOURCE, you can incorporate surveys right on your website. Results are displayed in easy to read graphs for understanding trends and spreadsheet downloads for more specific results with our indepth SurveySOURCE application.

Learn More about SurveySOURCE >


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